Submission Process

Manuscripts submitted to Loquēla (Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Education) must follow the steps outlined below to ensure a smooth and efficient submission process. All submissions are handled through the journal's Open Journal System (OJS).

1. Initial Submission:

  • Visit the journal’s website and click on the "Submit" button to access the submission page.
  • Authors must log in to the OJS system. If you do not have an account, you will need to register first.
  • Once logged in, authors should follow the step-by-step submission process, which involves filling out the required metadata fields (such as author names, affiliations, and title), uploading the manuscript, and agreeing to the journal’s policies.

2. Manuscript Preparation:

  • Ensure that your manuscript adheres to the formatting guidelines as outlined in the Manuscript Template. Manuscripts that do not follow the prescribed format may be returned for revision before being considered for review.
  • Prepare separate files for supplementary materials such as tables, figures, or appendices, if necessary.

3. Submission Confirmation:

  • After completing the submission, authors will receive an email confirmation acknowledging the receipt of the manuscript.
  • This email will contain a unique submission ID that can be used for tracking the progress of the manuscript.

4. Editorial Review Process:

  • The editorial team will first conduct a preliminary review to ensure that the manuscript is within the scope of the journal and follows the submission guidelines.
  • If the manuscript passes this stage, it will be assigned to reviewers for peer review. If it does not meet the basic requirements, the authors will be notified and may be asked to revise and resubmit.

5. Revision and Resubmission:

  • If the manuscript requires revisions based on reviewer feedback, the corresponding author will be notified through email and provided with detailed comments from the reviewers.
  • Authors must submit the revised manuscript within the specified deadline and include a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ comments.

6. Final Decision:

  • After receiving the revised manuscript, the editorial board will make a final decision on whether to accept the manuscript for publication.
  • Authors will be notified of the final decision through email. If accepted, the manuscript will proceed to the production stage for formatting and publication.

7. Post-Acceptance:

  • Once the manuscript is accepted, it will be sent for copyediting, typesetting, and formatting.
  • Authors will receive proofs for review and approval before the article is published online.

For more information about the submission process or to begin submitting your manuscript, please visit the Submission Guidelines Page.