Submit a Manuscript

Loquēla (Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Education) welcomes submissions that contribute to the academic discourse in the fields of linguistics, literature, and education. We accept original research articles, reviews, and theoretical papers that adhere to the journal's guidelines.

Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure that it complies with the journal’s formatting and submission guidelines. For detailed guidelines, including article structure, formatting, and referencing style, please refer to our Submission Guidelines.

To submit your manuscript, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the journal's registration page and create an account if you do not already have one.
  2. Log in to your account and click on the “Submit a New Manuscript” button.
  3. Follow the submission steps by filling out the required metadata fields, such as author information, title, abstract, and keywords. You will also need to upload your manuscript file in the required format (Word or PDF).
  4. Ensure that all co-authors are properly credited and that their information is correctly entered.
  5. Agree to the terms and conditions, which include compliance with the journal's plagiarism and ethical standards.

After submitting your manuscript, you will receive an email confirmation with a tracking ID. You can monitor the status of your submission through the Submissions Portal at any time.

If you encounter any issues during the submission process or need further assistance, please contact our editorial team at