Editorial Team

Editor in Chief

Tarbiyah Faculty of Islamic State Institute SAS, Bangka Belitung, Indonesia
Google Scholar Profile ==> n8TDVHQAAAAJ&hl
SINTA ID ==> 6721307
Scopus ID ==> 57216336990

Managing Editor

Robertus Bambang Edi Pramono
English Departement of Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Google Scholar Profile ==> fyXETwcAAAAJ&hl</a


Muajiz Muallim
Islamic State Institute (IAIN) Pare Pare, Indonesia
Google Scholar Profile ==> b1Jeq04AAAAJ&hl
SINTA ID ==> 6786285

Tomi Arianto
Universitas Putera Batam, Indonesia
Google Scholar Profile ==> RmS4MSEAAAAJ
SINTA ID ==> 6108736

Windy Puspitasari Suparto
English Language Education of Makasar State University, Indonesia
Google Scholar Profile ==> ZQu43bMAAAAJ&hl

Yohanes Angie Kristiawan
English Department Respati Univeristy, Indonesia
Google Scholar Profile ==> kWqHpj0AAAAJ
SINTA ID ==> 6722154

Sri Saraswati
English Department of STBA LIA Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Google Scholar Profile ==> nsJWUS4AAAAJ

Institute Seni Budaya Indonesia Aceh, Indonesia
Google Scholar Profile ==> t6u1ApoAAAAJ
SINTA ID ==> 6643601

Sekar Pramudita
Liberal Arts Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand
Google Scholar Profile ==> tF3XtpUAAAAJ&hl

Galang Prastowo
Javanese Language Education Department of Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Google Scholar Profile ==> DiBVBwkAAAAJ
SINTA ID ==> 6731811

Faculty of Tarbiyah, English Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies Bengkulu, Indonesia
Google Scholar Profile ==> l7PFP60AAAAJ
OrcID Profile ==> 0000-0002-3473-485X